Refund & Online Payments Policy

Donation Refund Policy

If you have made an error in making your donation or change your mind about contributing to KG Foundation, we will honor your request for a refund made within 15 business days of your donation. To request a refund, call +254 700 282828. Refunds are returned using the original method of payment, except cash donations will be returned via check. If you made your donation by credit card, your refund will be credited to that same credit card.

Secure online payments processing

  • Payments made using credit cards or online payment processing systems can be processed using a gateway system for online payment. The transaction is directly authorized by the respective bank in order to make the transaction safe without passing any information to KG Foundation. The authorisation code as well as the confirmation of the entire transaction will be issued by the bank using the online payment gateway within a few minutes depending on the internet connection.
  • Transactions will be processed via secure web payment systems where data and transactions are encrypted for secure data transmission over the internet.
  • KG Foundationcan neither access nor save any of your credit card details.
  • Confirmation: No action can be taken on the basis of information on the website unless you have received the confirmation of your transaction. In case, you do not receive any email confirmation regarding your transaction within the said time period, make sure you check your ‘spam’ or ‘junk’ folder making it sure that it is not misdirected and if still not received, kindly contact our customer care.
  • Terms and Conditions on KG Foundationregarding online payments are subject to change at any point of time. Each transaction will thereby have to undergo the specific Terms and Conditions mentioned at the time of transaction.